November 3, 2006

Of mice and monkeys

Serious science writers must tear their hair out over the general ineptitude of the news and feature editors at daily newspapers, wire services and TV networks.

Lucky mice.jpg Unhealthy monkey.jpg

It's common knowledge that animals and people live longer on restricted-calorie diets, and that drinking red wine prevents heart disease. And you'd think that editors would know the diff between a "study" that merely reviews existing literature and a "report" on genuinely new scientific research. But no, such distinctions are lost on the kids on the beat and too wonkish for the few pros that might happen to sit at the copy desk.

So begins yet another round of astonishment that a breakfast of fermented soybeans prolongs life (yeah, but who wants to live like that?) and that a compound in red wine, resveratrol, keeps mice active and healthy (if you drink a lot).

Once again, a mixed-menagerie of a message. Eat rabbit food or drink like a fish and you won't have to suffer the consequences of a piggish lifestyle.

Posted by Ronald Holden at November 3, 2006 12:08 PM

I'll drink to that (red wine of course).

Posted by: Dave L. at November 4, 2006 11:33 AM