Andy Perdue, the Pope of Northwest Wine, runs the region's leading wine publication, Wine Press Northwest, the Platinum Wine Awards, and a lively blog, The Wine Knows. The other day he wrote about Cornichon's online feud with the Pee-Eye's substitute restaurant writer, Leslie Kelly. (Read the post here.)
A strange duck, that Leslie. She whines about everything. Last week, she slammed The Local Vine for its food, even though it's not a restaurant at all but a wine bar. (What's more,.the original chef is g-gone; ya don't review a place under circumstances like that.) She complains because a patron at one of the sidewalk tables, 50 feet away, lights up a cigar. She complains that the Riedel glasses are too small (they're not, trust me), but doesn't mention that she could select from a list of 100 wines by the glass.
Today she complains about prices, that last year's 25-for-25 Dine-Around promotion will cost $30 this year. Right.
Isn't there anything Leslie likes? Why, yes, now that you mention it: she recommends Ali Scheff's yummy food blog Eating Seattle. Too bad it's not reciprocal: Ali herself thinks Leslie's a nutcase: read the comments in Somebody Give That Woman a Flyswatter. Actually, Ali should probably have Leslie's job, and Leslie could go back to whining on her blog.
That blog is called, yup, LeslieKellyWhiningAndDining. But don't waste your time; the site's down. More, if you're up for it, on the DeliciousCity blog.