December 15, 2006

Guy walks into a Belltown bar

Orders a cosmo. The new thing, in case you hadn't heard, is ultrapremium spirits. So barkeep pours ultrapremium Ultimat vodka from blown-glass container resembling oversize perfume bottle, adds Cointreau, splash of cran, wedge of lime and proffers resulting pink drink. "That'll be $15."

The bar would be Qube, site of the unlamented St. Regis Hotel at 2nd & Stewart on the fringe of Belltown, now complete with seismic retrofit and ambitious kitchen. Very high-end libations first, guided by Angel Aguilar (late of Axis).

Behind the bar.JPG Colorful cocktails.JPG
Bar at Qube: manager Angel Aguilar, right; wine consultant Jake Kosseff, left. "Ultimate Cosmo

Anyone for gin? Hendrick's, enhanced with ultrapremium Junmai Dai Ginjo sake, served with a cucumber ice cube and an edible orchid, $12. Bah, humbug! Scrooges should request more conventional tinis, ritas, kazis in the single digits.

Complex dinner "sets" at Qube aim high, with three riffs per course on the same ingredient, available as surf, turf or veg (shrimp, duck, mushrooms). More on dinner (relatively affordable, compared to cocktails) shortly. First, though, better give me another orchid.

Gin Ginjo martini-8.JPG Giant twist garnish.JPG Orange garnish.JPG

Qube, 1901 2nd Avenue, Seattle, 206-770-5888

Posted by Ronald Holden at December 15, 2006 11:55 AM

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Hey bartender, just a glass of 82 Mouton, please !

Posted by: Dr. Joe at December 20, 2006 1:57 AM

I feel that I should point out that I stopped in at Qube last night and actually found that they do show some promise. The $15 cosmo stood out on their price list as clearly the odd-man-out. The bartender I talked with said that they were all begging the management to get it removed.

I would say that Qube is trying to run before they walk with their drinks. Leap-frogging over the classics and spending a little too much time with specialty infusions. I chalk this up to trying to think of the "concept", but without having a truely qualified "bar chef" to keep things well focused.

(Note: I am using the term "bar chef" to simply reflect the importance that Qube appears to put on "kitchen chef" for pulling of their asian/french fusion concept.)

Posted by: Robert Hess at December 18, 2006 11:18 AM

I was very curious about Qube, but I'm not sure
I'm $15 per drink curious. FareStart begins
serving at its new location in February with
some great restaurants on the agenda. I have
been a volunteer at Guest Chef Night for approximately 7 years and one gets a great
dinner prepared by some of the best chefs in
the area.

I love your photos of the drinks!


Posted by: Betty Frost at December 15, 2006 11:29 PM

A $15 Cosmo? Really? Ron... please tell me this is some sort of sick joke.

Sounds like I'm going to have to give these guys a visit. Should be interesting :->

Posted by: Robert Hess at December 15, 2006 9:07 PM

Meantime, FareStart has raised a bundle of cash on its own and is moving to 7th & Virginia. Details:

Posted by: Ronald at December 15, 2006 2:22 PM


As I remember, FareStart is about one half block away,just up 2nd Aveune. Some might say "there's no comaparison." Well, probably not, but it's there if one needs it. $$$$ are the difference.

Posted by: Dave L. at December 15, 2006 1:28 PM